7 buttons w/ multi-color LED
Buttons can be customized using the Mastermind Editor
Graphic LCD Display
Displays loop status, preset and song names
Lots of connectivity
6 pedal loops, 1 insert loop, 2 function switches, 1 expression pedal input, 1 external switch input, 1 MIDI port, 1 USB port
The Mastermind PBC/6X is our response to all of our customers who said “I like the PBC/10, but I want it smaller, less expensive, and I want to be able to change loop order on the fly!”
The PBC/6X allows you to connect 6 pedals and have complete flexibility in choosing which pedals are on at any time, as well as the order of those pedals in your signal chain. You can also control any MIDI compatible devices and switch channels on most amps that use 1/4-inch switching jacks.
The Mastermind PBC/6X features:
6 audio loops, 3 of which are stereo capable
A buffered insert loop that can be used for a 7th pedal, or for special routing strategies like the “four cable method”
Matrix switching that allows reordering of loops
2 function switches for amplifier channel control
An integrated tuner
A full-featured MIDI controller that can send any type of MIDI message
Product Information
Mastermind PBC/6X Features
- 6 audio loops
- The last three loops are stereo capable using TRS jacks
- Matrix switching for maximum routing flexibility
- Flexible output that can be mono, stereo, or used as an A/B/Y switch
- Mono mixdown feature allows you to mix down your stereo output to mono when using with a single amp
- Two inputs, one with a switchable buffer
- 7 buttons, each with a multi-color LED indicator
- Buttons are user configurable – any button can be set to any function and LED color
- Easy to read backlit LCD display that can display preset and song names, plus other status
- Built in tuner
- MIDI connection, powered by the MIDI “brain” of our Mastermind GT controller. This MIDI port can be split into a MIDI input and output using a special Y cable
- USB device port for connection to a PC or Mac. This allows the Mastermind PBC to send MIDI commands to a computer, or to communicate with the Mastermind Editor software
- A 1/4-inch TRS jack that provides two function switches. These can be used to control the channel switching and other features on an amplifier, or for externally switchable features on certain pedals
- Expression pedal input that can be programmed to generate MIDI messages based on the position of the pedal
- External switch input allows two more switches to be added. These switches can be programmed to perform any function the internal buttons can
- Mac and PC editor software allows for faster and more comprehensive editing, including deep MIDI editing and changing button layouts
- 3 year limited warranty
Mastermind PBC/6X Specs
- 768 presets
- 1000 songs, 64 setlists
- Can control up to 16 MIDI devices
- 20 MIDI messages can be assigned per button (PC, CC, Note, Sysex)
- Dimensions: 10.1 (w) x 4.4 (d) x 2.4 (h) inches (25.7 (w) x 11.1 (d) x 6.1 (h) cm)
- Weight: 2 lbs / 0.9 kg
- Power Requirements: 9VDC or 12VDC 220mA, Boss-type connector (center negative 5.5/2.1mm barrel connector).
Supported Amplifiers
Most amps that have one or two 1/4-inch footswitch or external switching jacks are compatible with the Mastermind PBC/6X. The exception to this is any amp that has a footswitch that has one 1/4-inch plug but more than two buttons. These footswitches use proprietary electronics and are not compatible with the Mastermind PBC/6X.
Compatible Amps (partial list)
- Friedman Amps (all models)
- Marshall DSL
- Mesa Lonestar
- Mesa Mark II and III
- Mesa Mark IV and V (partial functionality – use a Mini Amp Gizmo for better results)
- Mesa Mark V 25
- Mesa Mini Rectifier
- Mesa Rectoverb 25
- Mesa Dual and Triple Rectifier (partial functionality – use a Mini Amp Gizmo for better results)
- Orange Amps (all models)
- Peavey 5150 and 6505
- Splawn (all models)
- and many, many more (please contact us if you have questions!)
Incompatible Amps
- Fender Hot Rod series (supported using Mini Amp Gizmo)
- Fender Super-Sonic
- Fender Twin w/ 4 button footswitch
- Marshall YJM
- Marshall Haze
- Marshall MG series w/ “Stompware” footswitch
NOTE: We’re now offering special Mastermind PBC cables for a select few amps that were not able to be supported in the past. You can find these cables in our web store
What People are Saying
“We’ve really enjoyed using the PBC/6X on client rigs. It offers a ton of functionality in a very small package, and the Mastermind Editor makes setup and in depth programming a breeze!”
– Greg Walton // Xact Tone // Nashville, Tennessee
I love the PBC6X. It takes all elements of a great controller and brings it up one level higher. I have not encountered an interface as intuitive and easy to use as the one Ron had designed. Being a board builder all these years, one main issue that’s always been brought up by my customers is the ability to reorder the loops on the fly. The PBC6X fulfills all these needs and my customers could not be happier.
– Jerome // JMAVE Guitars // Singapore
“I like the compact footprint, low current draw & loop re-order capabilities. Having those features combined with the standard setting MasterMind controller platform is a massive value for the end user.”
– Mike Vegas // Nice Rack Canada // Toronto, Canada
“What I like about the PBC/6X
1: Compact
2: Packs the same punch the Pbc10
3: Loop reordering SAVED my life
4: Stereo to Mono summing saved me from not needing an expensive summing box
5: Flawless design and programming options. NO LIMITS
7: The possibilities of having all the same pedals on a rig but still shrinking the overall board size without losing any pedals.”
– Brian Omillion // Omillion Audio // McKinney, Texas
“There are so many things I love about the 6x! Hands down the biggest game changer is the desktop editor/ sound organization system. I love that you can create a preset, and use it across multiple songs. Makes setting up song patches SO much easier than before. I love being able to assign led colors and the tweak-ability of the unit as a whole. I’m running a pretty standard setup with it right now but I’m excited to customize it as I get more time with it. In short, my expectations were exceeded in every area so far! Thanks again for making such an amazing product. “
– Clark Strasburg // Steadfast Audio // Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Decided to get this PBC/6X cuz it’s just simply amazing. The loop order feature without unplugging pedals is a game changer. Tried other programmable switchers but the PBC/6X is beyond compare. In my honest opinion, it’s by far the one best inventions ever to come out in the guitar pedal market. Made my guitar playing so much easier. With just one step on a button, no more tap dancing.”
– Don Tuplano // Singapore
“And for any who are interested, the PBC/6X is a game changer. A 7 loop switcher (with loop reordering capability) with as much MIDI capability as you can imagine. I use it for pedalboard stuff but also to control Ableton and even ProPresenter. Just absolutely mind blowing.”
– Eli Cartwright
“I built a board with the PBC6X and I absolutely love it! Such a sleek design that is full of so much of the wonderful RJM technology. It is always an honour to build with RJM equipment as it is simply the best. “
– Jack Hudson // JH Productions // Brisbane, Queensland Australia
“The PBC/6X has completely changed the way I approach my rig now. It has added flexibility and allows me to focus more on my playing and less in hitting buttons. This is not only the best my guitar has ever sounded but by far the easiest it has been to navigate.”
– Chase Wolford // Santa Maria, California
“I bought the PBC 6x for two reasons – one the size is perfect for my board. Secondly the customization is above and beyond anything out there. The editor software is brilliant.”
– Jon Hollis
Mastermind Editor
(v4.0.4) TEST
Product Manual
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Video Series: Mastering the Mastermind
Why is it called PBC/6X?
The “X” indicates that this is a matrix switcher, which means that you can change the order of loops. We wanted to differentiate the PBC/6X from the PBC/10, which is a relay switcher.
Why should I choose the PBC/6X over the PBC/10, or vice versa?
The two PBC models differ in a few areas:
- The PBC/6X is smaller, which allows it to fit on smaller pedalboards (or allows you to put more pedals on a big board!)
- The PBC/6X is less expensive
- The PBC/6X has the ability to change its loop order on the fly
- The PBC/10 has more: 10 audio loops (4 stereo), 2 insert points, 3 buffers, 4 function switches, 11 buttons
- The PBC/10 has an internal line mixer that allows you to use parallel effect routing
- The PBC/10 has individual left and right outputs, and the right output has an isolation transformer and phase switch
- The PBC/10’s layout has more space in between buttons and a larger LCD
- The PBC/10 uses relay switching which allows you to use it without any buffers. Matrix switching needs a buffer in front of it when used with a standard guitar.
In short, if small size, lower cost or loop reordering are a priority, the PBC/6X is probably a better choice. If you are planning a larger pedalboard with extensive use of stereo effects and parallel routing, then the PBC/10 is what you’re looking for.
How does the Mastermind PBC differ from other switchers on the market?
The Mastermind PBC/6X has a lot of features that set it apart from the competition:
- 6 audio loops (3 stereo capable) plus an insert loop, all of which can be arranged in any order
- Integrated tuner
- Switchable inputs and A/B/Y switch on the output
- The ability to arrange your presets into songs and setlists
- Graphic LCD display shows loop status, preset and song names
- Extensive MIDI capability, more than most dedicated MIDI controllers
- 100% user configurable button layouts, you can customize buttons as you like, including the ability to set up multiple button pages, each of which can be set up to control diffferent devices or perform different functions
- Free, easy to use editor software for Mac and PC
Does this switcher convert my signal to digital?
The signal path is never converted to digital. The internal tuner uses a digitized signal, but that signal is split off from the buffer before being digitized and that digitized signal never makes it back to the signal path.
Is editor software available?
Yes, editor software is available for Mac and PC. The editor makes basic editing easier, and allows for much more detailed editing, including changing button layouts and accessing advanced MIDI features. You can download the editor for free from the links above. You don’t even need to have a Mastermind PBC for you to try the editor!
Do I need to use the computer based editor software?
No, you’re not required to use the editor for basic tasks. You can program loop on/off state, loop order, preset, song and setlist names using the built in setup mode, as well as doing basic MIDI functionality such as setting up PC messages and configuring the expression pedal.
Why is there no line mixer or parallel capability in the PBC/6X?
The primary goal was to have a smaller, less expensive PBC. Adding an internal line mixer would interfere with both of those goals. You can use our Mini Line Mixer in conjunction with the PBC/6X to get up to three loops in parallel. This will give you full time parallel routing for the loops connected to the mixer.
Is the PBC/6X true bypass?
The PBC/6X will remove unused devices from your signal path, so it is definitely true bypass. The hardware it uses is much different than our other switchers. Our other switchers use relay switching, where the PBC/6X uses a matrix of transistors.
How does the audio quality compare to the PBC/10?
We did a lot of audio measurements during the course of development, and spent many extra months making sure the PBC/6X was as transparent as possible. The end result is that the PBC/6X’s audio performance is almost identical to the PBC/10. Because of the switching matrix, the PBC/6X needs the signal to be buffered, either with the internal buffer or an external buffer, to get optimal performance.