Help with Eventide H90 + PBC/6X Integration issues


Hello there, I'm having a weird issue with my H90 (latest firmware) + PBC/6X (fw 5.2.1) integration.
I assume it is user error somewhere but I can't find the root cause (do not have any midi monitor device to check what the PBC/6X is sending over).

I'm trying to set a toggle button to turn a program on/off on H90 by calling CC toggle function on the Mastermind (Midi ch. 2 - CC23 as per my mapping to H90) where CC ON value = 127 (Mastermind button's led turns green) and CC OFF value = 0 (Mastermind button's led turns red).

Note that on the video below that I need to click twice to turn the program on/off (so I assume it's only responding to value - 127)

I also tested sending 127 in both ON/OFF states - the H90 respond as expected (but I guess that's not the best approach as eventually the led status may get out of sync).

I also tested sending 0 in both ON/OFF states ... in that case the H90 did not responded to the mastermind :(

Screenshot of my settings:
Many thanks!

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 14.33.40.png
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 15.57.48.png
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You might try setting the IA button to Momentary. Not familiar with the H90, but it sounds like the CC Toggle might be a pulse-type thing where a toggle off->on->off flips the current state rather than setting an absolute state. If that is a pulse function, it won't work well with PBC presets since all it does is flip the state from whatever it is currently. If you want to set the state in PBC presets perhaps there is another CC in the H90 that will let you set absolute state.
Thanks @vatore3rd - I can see what you mean.
AFAIK (and unfortunately) the H90 does not have absolute states that can be assign to CC commands so that's a bummer.

The CC momentary function does the trick in regards to removing the 2nd footswitch press but I'm very quickly running into conditions where the mastermind led status does not match with the H90 :(

The workaround I've found was to treat the mastermind as a "led-less" controller only and avoid relying on the its led lights to confirm the status of things. It seems quite an oversight from Eventide in such expensive device!
Hmm. Looks like the H90 lets you choose. From the H90 MIDI mapping web page:

An Active/Bypass mapping such as “P Act/Byp” will toggle between the active and bypassed state of the Program, this will be triggered by a MIDI CC value of 64 or greater. [Sounds like you are using this one]

When using “P Act/Byp (M)”, the bypassed state will be triggered with a CC value less than 64, the active state will be triggered with a CC value of 64 or greater.
[You want to be using this one]

If you use the (M) version you can set absolute state. Make sure the IA button is not in momentary mode anymore, switch the CC mapping to the (M) version, and the PBC LED/H90 state should align. This will also work with PBC presets.
@vatore3rd - you're 100% right... I just tried it here and it seems that will do the trick!
I misread the manual (for me the "M" of momentary means exactly the opposite of latching!!)
Feeling stupid now as It's been a few days I've been trying to debug this and was already resigning to the fact haha

Many thanks for the help!
Was wondering how you have the H90 wired? I am currently running a simple GigRig Quartermaster and have the H90 in Dual mode so I can run pre/post on effects. I have a PBC 6x coming and was going to run a stereo through the insert so I can move it around in the chain, then out stereo to 2nd half of the H90.
I'm using the H90 in insert mode so my chain is all inverted .. I did that to avoid the double AD/DA conversions (as I'm still able to move the 2 fxs from the H90 around my drives / preamp):
Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 09.25.11.png
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